Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Barneys Farm Tangerine Dream Feminized

Sex : Feminized
Type : Indica / Sativa, Mostly sativa
Flowering : Photoperiod
Genetics : G13 X Neville's A5 Haze
Flowering Time : Medium
Outdoor Harvest : End October
Height : Medium
THC Level : 25%
05 seeds for $60.02

SLX Harvest Shots

Sand and Fire Glass Frosty Beer Mug Slide 18mm

2 1/2"
1 1/2"
1 3/8oz
Joint Size:
18mm male
Beer froth detailing
Amber sidewalls
D lift handle
Beer forth push


Smoke buddy

If you live in a home where you cant smoke or are in college and you cant smoke in your dorm what ever the case may be this is the perfect tool to hide the sweet sweet dank smell of well you know your ganja . for only 19.95 with FREE SHIPPING you can get your self a smoke buddy this stuff really works (if used properly)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Massachusetts Marijuana Legalization Bill Hearing Tuesday March 6

Marijuana Legalization Gets A Hearing In Massachusetts
I received the following information in an e-mail from Massachusetts. It’s a very important opportunity to be heard, and I hope Massachusetts marijuana activists come out in numbers:

Legalization hearing at the statehouse, room A-2, Tuesday, March 6 at 1:00, Judiciary Committee, please come.

This is the bill that I first filed as a citizen petitioner in 1981 and refiled in the ’09-’10 session of legislature with some small tweaks. This session it was sponsored by Representative Ellen Story of Amherst as a direct result of the Public Policy Question in her district, in the 2010 election, that instructed her to support such a bill. She acknowledges that she has filed it in response thereto.

The PPQs were put on the ballot by MassCann and DPFMA, under the leadership of Steve and Scott and others. A number of people on this list exerted themselves to stand outside post offices in the rain, collecting signatures to get them on the ballot. That a tax-and-regulate bill has gotten this far–sponsorship by a house member and not some wingnut citizen from out west–is the direct consequence of those efforts. We remain grateful to them.

What’s important about the hearing on March 6 is not that this is a chance to legalize marijuana. The committee will want nothing to do with it, and the bill will go no further in the legislative process. The measure of our success will be that we get some good questions from committee members, and can engage them in serious dialogue.

Rep. Story’s bill, I should have mentioned, is co-sponsored by Rep. RuthBalser of Newton, Rep. Lori Ehrlich of Marblehead, and Rep. Anne Gobi ofSpencer. The hearing will be a good occasion to recognize these courageous members, implicitly reminding the entire legislature that support of this issue is not political suicide, i.e., that an earnest politician can support legalization without incurring the wrath of voters. The worst thing that’s happened, from what I’ve heard, is that the sponsors have gotten snickers from their colleagues, but that’s no big deal, as leaders always get snickers from those who fear to break a taboo. In this case it is the generations-old taboo against discussing the repeal of marijuana prohibition seriously, in a political setting, without winks, smirks and cheap puns.

High Times Presents Nico Escondido's Grow Like A Pro

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lucas Formula - A Hydro/Soil/Coco Feeding Strategy

Lucas Formula, sometimes known as the Lucas Ratio, is less complicated than it initially seems. It is nothing more than a basic recipe of nutrients to give your plants during both the vegetative, and the flowering state.

The original recipe uses 2 parts of the General Hydroponics 3-part FLORA series (Gro, Micro, Bloom) nutrient system, but Lucas Formula may also be used with Advanced Nutrients, GH's dry nutes (Maxibloom), etc.

Lucas Formula using General Hydroponics 3-Part System

General Hydroponics makes a 3-part system named the FLORA series. It consists of FLORA GRO, FLORA MICRO, and FLORA BLOOM. These are 3 bottles you buy, that you would normally use together throughout the entire grow. You may use it as per the instructions on the bottle, with excellent results, but...

Lucas figured out that FLORA MICRO contains enough nitrogen, and everything else that MICRO GRO contains, that you use it with FLORA BLOOM alone, saving you from having to buy FLORA GRO.

How do you use it? Simple. Add 8ml of Flora Micro (dark red stuff) to 1 gallon of water*, mix, and then add 16ml of Flora Bloom (pink stuff) into the water, and mix. Done - unless you're growing in coco. If so, see below.'

The Beginners Guide To Get You Started in Growing Cannabis

1. Viable seeds.
2. Medium to grow them in
3. Lights
4. Pots/containers
5. Ventilation
6. Thermometer/Hydrometer
7. Ph testing equipment
8. Nutrients/Supplements
9. Odor & Odor Control
10. Watering