Monday, January 30, 2012

New Hampshire legislature introduces legalization measure Live Free or Die indeed! Members of the House Criminal Justice Committee heard testimony on Thursday, January 25, in favor of House Bill 1705, which seeks to allow adults age 21 or over to use marijuana legally in their home. The measure also seeks to establish a regulated cannabis market governing the wholesale production and sale of marijuana. Non-commercial transactions involving less than one ounce of cannabis would not be subject to state taxation or regulation under the measure. You can read the full text of HB 1705 here. You can watch clips from the hearing here. Please contact your House member today and urge him or her to support HB 1705. If your House member sits on the House Criminal Justice Committee, then it is especially important that he or she hears from you. HB 1075 would: Allow personal possession of up to one ounce of marijuana; Create a system of cultivation wholesalers and marijuana retailers; Create a $45 / ounce excise tax and 19% retail tax; Ban marijuana advertising, person-to-person sales, users under 21, public use, etc.

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